Seer Green Eight O

Clock Club

Recently somebody said to me "The Eight O Clock Club is only for older people" - this is far from the truth. We currently have regular attendees in their thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties and on one occasion we had a teenager.

The club was founded in September 1982 at the instigation of a village resident Mrs Joyce Bardouleau and the Rev William Whiffen (Parish Priest); it was intended to be a social group for village residents for whom the other village clubs were either not appropriate or did not appeal; it would be available in the evening for those who worked during the day.

The clubs for adults available at that time were:-

The Young Wives Group

Mothers Union  meetings held in the afternoon

Seer Green Flower Arrangement Society

The Over Sixties Club  meetings held in the afternoon

The Womens Institute (W.I.)  meetings held in the afternoon

Seer Green Drama Club

Seer Green Horticultural Society

It was decided that the club would meet once a month, in the Parish Church Hall on a Thursday evening at and that is how it was decided to call the club

The Eight OClock Club.

The club currently meets, usually, on the first Thursday of the month, in the Parish Church Hall. There is no membership  people are welcome to attend any meeting, which they may find interesting. There is a charge of £2 - this includes a cup of coffee/tea and biscuits.

In addition to having interesting speakers: there is a theatre outing in August; a full day outing, in the autumn, to a place of interest; and a Christmas meal at Beaconsfield Golf Club.

For more information contact Monica Sado